Yes there is a homeowner’s association.
Yes, The HOA fees for Fieldwood are $100 a year and due by June 30th of each year.
Currently HOA fees can be mailed in and paid by check to the HOA Treasury. We are working on future online payment options.
Future homeowners who purchase a home in Fieldwood are required to pay a transfer fee of $100.00 collected by your settlement attorney at your closing.
When you buy a home in Fieldwood you will be required to sign a declaration letter at closing which states that you received a copy of the HOA rules from your realtor. Current and future Fieldwood homeowners can also download a copy of the current HOA rules from the Sussex County website.
Fieldwood is made up of 109 lots.
All homeowners are reminded that pursuant to HOA restriction #8 that you must submit plans to HOA Board for approval of any such work being done on your home.
Yes, Fieldwood is hooked up to the county’s sewer system.
No. Fieldwood is not connect to the county’s freshwater system, instead homeowners are responsible for their own wells.
An attempt will be made by a board member via telephone when a homeowner is in violation of any rule infringement to have the matter corrected. If the homeowner is unable to be reached by phone a certified letter will be sent to the homeowner with the mailing address on file. Our goal is to correct the matter in a very informal manner before any fines are imposed.